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Iván Rodríguez Calleja

Full Stack Developer
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  • Agentero
    Front-End Developer
    Apr 2019 - present
    I was the only frontend at the beginning with the objective to migrate a legacy app in rails-react to react. The team grew slowly and taking advantage of micro-frontend and workspaces to share design system and functionality we achieve the goal of removing the legacy app. After all migration the code was changed to use NextJS to provide SSR and better UX to our users. At this time we applied data fetching techniques using suspense and Emotion for styles in combination with some other libraries. I have learned a lot at Agentero making decisions from the beginning, having the freedom to build the architecture and use any library but the best learning is the one coming from mistakes I have made cause for some wrong decisions.
  • Plain concepts
    Full Stack Developer
    Apr 2016 - Apr 2019
    It is where I started my career, growing and learning very quick from one of the most Microsoft valuable partners. I started working in backend side building server side applications for big companies using latest technologies (.NET Core, C#, SQL Server, Entity Framework, etc) to provide high quality solutions to our clients. This role allowed me to learn how to create server side applications, connect to databases, monitor performance and deploy to Azure, als I learned what for me is the most valuable, testing, architecture principles and DDD. After some time working on backend (and a little in frontend) I started to be interested in frontend side so I started with Angular but quickly I changed to react where I used a lot of technologies in different projects having a full overview of the react ecosystem that allowed me to take better decisions on what tools, libraries and frameworks to use to focus on development experience abd performance